Understanding Baby's Vision Development
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Understanding Baby's Vision Development

Baby's vision goes through significant changes during their first year. Here's an overview of what to expect and how to support their visual development.

1. Newborn Vision

Newborns have limited vision, seeing only 8-12 inches in front of their face and primarily in black and white. They are attracted to high-contrast patterns and faces.

2. Developing Color Vision

By 3-4 months, babies begin to see colors more vividly, with a preference for bright primary colors and simple shapes.

3. Improved Focus and Depth Perception

Around 4-6 months, babies develop better focus and depth perception, allowing them to track moving objects and reach for items more accurately.

4. Developing Eye-Hand Coordination

By 6-8 months, babies' eye-hand coordination improves, enabling them to grasp objects and transfer them between hands.

5. Supporting Visual Development

Provide age-appropriate toys and activities that stimulate your baby's visual development, such as high-contrast books, colorful toys, and games that involve tracking objects.

Understanding your baby's vision development and providing appropriate stimulation can help support their visual skills and overall development during the first year.

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