Understanding Baby's Cries
1. Hunger
A hungry baby may cry with a rhythmic, repetitive sound, often accompanied by rooting, smacking their lips, or sucking on their fingers.
2. Sleepiness
A tired baby may exhibit fussiness, rubbing their eyes, or yawning. Their cries may be whiny and less intense than when they are hungry.
3. Dirty Diaper
If your baby has a wet or dirty diaper, they may become restless and cry until they are changed.
4. Gas or Colic
If your baby has gas or colic, their cries may be more intense, high-pitched, and accompanied by signs of discomfort, such as arching their back, pulling their legs up, or passing gas.
5. Need for Comfort
Sometimes, a baby just needs cuddling, soothing, or swaddling to feel secure and comforted. In this case, the cries may be more intermittent and less intense.