Month 5 Pregnancy Milestones & Tests
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Month 5: Pregnancy Milestones & Tests

During the fifth month of pregnancy, you'll experience significant milestones and undergo essential tests to ensure your baby's health. Here's what to expect:

Anatomy Ultrasound

Typically, between 18-22 weeks, you'll have an anatomy ultrasound. This detailed scan checks your baby's growth and development, and can often reveal the baby's gender if you wish to know.

Pregnancy Milestones

By month five, your baby's organs are fully formed, and they begin to practice essential functions like swallowing and kicking. You may also notice increased fetal movement during this time.

Gestational Diabetes Screening

Your healthcare provider will screen you for gestational diabetes between 24-28 weeks. This involves a glucose challenge test to ensure your body is processing sugar correctly.

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