Month 5 Fetal Development Focus
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Month 5: Fetal Development Focus

During the fifth month of pregnancy, your baby's development progresses rapidly. Here's what you need to know to support your baby's growth during this time.

Focus on Nutrition

Make sure you're getting essential nutrients like protein, iron, and calcium to support your baby's development. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is crucial during pregnancy to support your body's increased fluid needs. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

Attend Prenatal Appointments

Regular prenatal appointments are essential for monitoring your baby's growth and development. During this time, you may have an ultrasound to assess your baby's anatomy and overall well-being.

Prepare for Baby's Movements

During the fifth month, you'll likely begin to feel your baby's movements. These early flutters are called "quickening" and are an exciting milestone in your pregnancy journey.

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