Tummy Time for Babies
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Tummy Time for Babies

1. Start Early

Begin tummy time as soon as you bring your baby home from the hospital. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as your baby grows.

2. Make it Fun

Use toys, mirrors, or colorful objects to keep your baby engaged and entertained during tummy time.

3. Get Down on Their Level

Lie down next to your baby and interact with them during tummy time. This will help them feel more comfortable and secure.

4. Vary the Environment

Try tummy time on different surfaces, such as a blanket on the floor, a playmat, or even on your chest. This will keep the activity interesting and help your baby develop strength in different positions.

5. Be Patient

Some babies may not enjoy tummy time initially. Be patient and persistent, and your baby will eventually grow more comfortable with the activity.

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