Dealing with Common Baby Health Issues
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Dealing with Common Baby Health Issues

Babies can experience a variety of health issues during their first year. Here's how to handle some of the most common concerns.

1. Diaper Rash

Keep the diaper area clean and dry, and apply a zinc oxide-based cream to soothe and protect the skin.

2. Colic

Try different soothing techniques, such as swaddling, rocking, or using white noise, and consult your pediatrician for additional guidance.

3. Cradle Cap

Gently massage baby's scalp with a soft brush and use a mild shampoo to help remove flakes.

4. Teething

Offer teething toys or a cold, damp washcloth for your baby to chew on, and consult your pediatrician about pain relief options if needed.

5. Fever

Monitor your baby's temperature and consult your pediatrician for guidance on when to use fever-reducing medication or seek medical attention.

By being aware of these common baby health issues and knowing how to address them, you can help keep your little one healthy and comfortable during their first year.

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