Baby's Social Development Milestones
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Baby's Social Development Milestones

Understanding your baby's social development milestones can help you support their emotional and social growth. Here are some key milestones to watch for in the first year.

1. Newborn: Bonding and Attachment

From birth, babies form a strong bond with their primary caregivers through eye contact, touch, and responding to their needs.

2. 3-6 Months: Social Smiles and Laughter

By 3-6 months, babies begin to socially smile, laugh, and show interest in interacting with others.

3. 6-9 Months: Stranger Anxiety and Object Permanence

During this time, babies may show stranger anxiety and develop object permanence, understanding that people and objects exist even when out of sight.

4. 9-12 Months: Imitation and Early Communication

Babies begin to imitate actions, gestures, and facial expressions, and may use simple gestures like waving and pointing to communicate their needs.

By being aware of these social development milestones, you can provide the support and stimulation your baby needs for healthy emotional and social growth.

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